Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Gentingg Partt 2~~!

hmmm. . ? min hou nOt scare scare~? summore sien sien dei~?

wahaaha~ dunn hugg me laa~ i also scare la~ (min hou the most scare scare wann)

eeeee~! frankenstinee~!

thiss nOt scaryy alsoo~~!

eeeee~! he'ss cominn outt forr uss~~ Zhaoo~~! xP

o"O creepy~ y the arrow pointinn at the mask x"O

waaaa. . . the apekk row the boat slow sloww~

wei loon and his act cutee lala posee againn~~

tadaaaa~~ minhou:" me is kap kap leng lui laa~" xD

Us Us~ n the outdatedd ang mor like wei loon~~

Us Us~ n the outdatedd ang mor like wei loon~~ againn~

wahaaha~ darren too scare of kok? wan jump into water? o"O XL smsinn whoo woorr~soo bussyy xP

Us Uss Agaiinn~~ Jee kenn n his mini sizee jacket~ n shinyy pantsss = X

We are the Boyss~! xP

Wakaakaa~ look at darren facee~~


Haahaaa~ loke wai so chamm = X

Dingg Donngg~ we iss the room servicee~~ xD

o"X promottinn w550i~

waa~! mr. musclee~!

eeeewwww. . ! thats our cupp mee you usiinn~!

we are the Boyy Boixxx~! 2

Hou n Loon~ n thatss all for ourr genting tripp = )

bY: [ Chung ]

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